
Small Fry Dance Club – Performances


Our dance performances are the highlight of the year for most of our dancers. It’s a chance to show their families everything they have been working on in class the previous 6 months. Every June and December your dancer will have the option to participate in our performances. Our performances are designed to be age appropriate. They are low stress for the dancers and their families. Each show lasts about 30 minutes, and your dancer will be on stage for the majority of the show. Dancers will perform on a real stage at the Canada College Main Theatre, in Redwood City. 

What to expect on show day

Dancers will be introduced one at a time and then run through a a set of warm up songs as a group. These first songs typically emphasize particular dance basics in the style of dance they have been working on in class. After their warm up songs the group performs their featured dance. This dance includes the choreography the classes have been building in class. Don’t worry, there is no need for your dancer to memorize their dance! They will be on stage with at least 4-5 other teachers, that will help them along should they need it. After their featured dance, the kids get the chance to become the audience and watch one of our older dancers take the stage for a special guest performance. Then the kids will get up for an encore of their featured dance before taking a final bow and going back stage.

Performance Patches!

Every dancer that participates in our performance will earn a special patch. We design a new patch for each performance to match the theme. That way your dancer will always have a memory of that performance. Each patch can be sewn or ironed on to their dance bags. How many patches will your dancer earn?

How do I sign up for the next performance?

Ready to sign up? Click the button below.